Sunday, August 16, 2009

We are at the halfway point!

Hello everyone. Hope all is well and you are enjoying summer! Once again, we apologize for the lack of updates. We have gotten into a good routine with chemo, and truthfully, there hasn't been much news to report, which is obviously a very good thing. Rest assured we will keep this updated anytime we have news.

Jodi wrapped up the AC portion of her treatment three weeks ago. We feel very fortunate because although AC is generally the most difficult part, Jodi reacted very well to it. As I mentioned in a prior post, her primary side effect was exhaustion, followed by the occasional stomach pain. Both are very manageable in the world of potential chemo side effects!

Two weeks ago Jodi started the Taxol portion of her chemo program. Taxol is generally considered the milder of the two chemo drugs, but Jodi's oncologist indicated that it isn't uncommon for someone who reacts as well as Jodi did to AC to have a really difficult time with Taxol. She also said that people who have problems with Taxol can have allergic reactions that require nausiating amounts of Benedryl almost immediately after being hooked up to the chemo machine. Needless to say, we were cautiously optimistic going into Jodi's first treatment.

Fortunately, just as has been the case many times during this journey through breast cancer, Jodi reacted very well to her first Taxol treatment. While she was still exhausted after the treatment, she didn't have any stomach pain, and felt better than she did after her AC treatments...what a blessing! Some treatments will be worse than others, and the fact that Taxol is a weekly rather than bi-weekly treatment will no doubt wear on Jodi's stamina, but Jodi is now halfway done with chemo and there is a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel! She is doing an absolutely amazing job of being strong and positive and is an inspiration to those around her.

Your continued prayers and support have gotten us to this point....please keep it coming! Love you all.

I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind.
Some come from ahead and some come from behind.
But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see.
Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!
~Dr. Seuss


  1. Love you both and glad to hear that the treatments are going OK. Thinking of you often!

  2. That is the best quote ever. I've heard Jenn talking about this blog of yours, but this was my first time getting the chance to read it. I'm so glad I finally got to meet you two! Needless to say... I hope Jodi continues to kick cancer's ass.
