Monday, June 15, 2009

One treatment down...

Hello everyone. Hope all of you had a good weekend. Here is a quick update from our end. Jodi had her first chemo treatment on Friday and has been doing pretty well. The actual treatment took about four hours, but we were at the hospital longer as we had to get lab work done, meet with the oncologist, etc. The treatment consisted of AC and either Avastin or a placebo (we won't find out for a while because it is part of the clinical trial). Since it was Jodi's first treatment the chemo was given over a longer time period to make sure Jodi's body reacted alright. Jodi reacted well to the treatments and we actually had a decent time at the hospital, or day spa, as Jodi prefers to call the first class Northwestern facilities. We went back to my family's place in Jimmerson Lake, Indiana for the weekend to relax and begin Jodi's healing process from her first treatment. She did remarkably well over the weekend. The primary side effects so far in her recovery have been a sore stomach and exhaustion, which are a lot better than nausea and the myriad other potential side effects from chemo. Hopefully the fairly mild side effects she has experienced are a sign of things to come!

Jodi's next treatment is on June 26, so we have a well deserved break from doctor/hospital visits! We will keep you updated as we progress in the treatment process. Thanks for your continued support!

"There is much in the world to make us afraid. There is much more in our faith to make us unafraid." ~Frederick W. Cropp

1 comment:

  1. We are praying for you two! I love how you refer to it as the Spa. :-) Wonderful outlook! Love, Jason and Stephanie Pantello
