We woke up this morning feeling good...it is tough to explain, but we just had a feeling that we were going to hear manageable news this morning. As it turns out, we were right! The surgeon told us that the pathology report was much better than she expected after completing the surgery. In total, she removed 15 lymph nodes, only 2 of which were cancerous!! Jodi and I were prepared for the worst and could barely contain our excitement when the surgeon walked us through the pathology report. Here are the specifics:
- Stage 2b. This is on a scale of 0-4, 4 being the most serious. We had ourselves mentally prepared for Stage 3 so we are thrilled with this.
- Two tumors in the left breast - one was 2.7 cm at it widest part, the other was .7 cm at its widest part. 2.7 cm is a not a huge tumor, but isn't small.
- The margins around the tumors came back clear. This is a good thing...it means that the surgeon removed both tumors in their entirety.
- The tumors were both estrogen positive, which means Jodi's estrogen levels are what drives her tumor growth and the spread of cancer cells in her body. This is good because there are chemo drugs available that can suppress the effects of estrogen on cancer cells
- Radiation may be used in addition to chemo, but isn't a sure thing given that Jodi had less than 4 cancerous lymph nodes.
- Given that Jodi has 2 infected lymph nodes, there is a good chance abnormal cells have moved within her body, but the surgeon indicated that it is highly unlikely that other areas (the brain, liver, lungs, etc.) have had enough time to metastasize, or develop cancerous tumors, based on the pathology results. Chemo should kill all abnormal cells that have spread to other parts of Jodi's body....hopefully before any further metastasis occurs. This is obviously very encouraging!
That is all I can think of at the moment...it is more than enough good news to pick us up from the occasional knock down. We will meet with the plastic surgeon this week to make sure Jodi's incisions are healing properly. We also have appointments scheduled with a medical onchologist to discuss chemo and a radiation onchologist to discuss the potential for using radiation in Jodi's treatment program. We will keep all of you posted. Thank you for your continued support...whatever you are doing is working!! :)
"It isn't our position but our disposition which makes us happy" - Anonymous
I have been checking for an update all day...the news sounds good...we continue to keep you both in our thoughts and prayers..
Aunt Robbie
That IS great news! Very happy to hear this and glad Jodi's healing from surgery well. As always, let us know if you need anything. :) Love,
ReplyDeleteA & E
Such great news; thank God! I've been on "cloud 9" since I talked to you this morning. Now we have all the facts and know exactly what you're dealing with, and it is the best news we could have hoped for today! It's been 4 weeks getting to this point and what an overwhelming month it's been! But you two have done great!
ReplyDeleteJodi, you're an inspiration, the way you've hit this head on, making your already healthy life style even better to give your body every advantage. You are doing everything right. And Jason, you are the most devoted advocate/partner anyone could ask for. Together you two are unstoppable and I love you both and am so proud of you.
Love, Mom
Thank God! What terrific news! I feel like jumping up and down for you lol. No doubt it has been a long month but you have gotten one huge part over with and now, (Theresa you are so right) the doctors and the two of you know exactly what you are dealing with. This is good because now they can formulate a perfect game plan for you AND the two of you no longer have the unknown hanging over your heads.
ReplyDeleteThis brings me to what I was thinking the other day I would mention to you as my little piece of motherly advice but I am laughing because you already did it! I always tell our kids, don’t try to cross any bridges you haven’t actually come to. It’s amazing how many times we can worry ourselves crazy when there is nothing we can do anyway and then how often we find there wasn’t even a bridge we had to cross. You guys are amazing, you already figured out what it took me 40+ yrs to.
I do have to also say that Jodi, you truly are an inspiration. Many women would have totally crumbled under this but you have chosen to meet it head on and continue to find joy and humor in every day. There are many circumstances in life we have no control over, what we do have control over is how we react to them. Even still, it can take great strength to carry that out…..you, with Jason at your side obviously have that strength.
You two keep doing what you are doing and we all promise to keep doing what we are doing :) Just know that many of us are praying every day for the two of you and sending love and good thoughts.
Aunt Jill
Hola desde México,
ReplyDeleteIt seems that you are going out from the eye of the hurricane. I am glad to read such a good news from all this process. Guys I am still learning about life thought you. I will continue with my prayers for the both of you.
Jodi y Jason les envío muchos besos y abrazos, con todo mi cariño.
Jodi & Jason,
ReplyDeleteWOW! So happy to know the news was better than expected. I hope this is the running theme in your treatment.
Jason, thank you for giving such thorough updates. I really look forward to meeting you.
Thinking of you both,
Jodi & Jason
ReplyDeleteGREAT NEWS!!! I am so happy that the results were this positive. As Theresa and Jill said early, now you know the facts. Obviously there is a long road still ahead, but the uncertainty is create unnecessary anxiety.
You guys are doing great together.
"Put first things first" One of the 7 habits of Highly Effective People from Stephen Covey
Hi Jodi, I wish all the best to you and glad to hear you are healing well.
ReplyDeleteTake care,